You can launch popular Debots as well as any other Debots. If you want to use a different Debot, you need to ask its creator for the Debot address and copy it to the clipboard in advance.

To launch Debot in Surf:

  1. On the home screen, tap the four-circle icon.

  1. Select the Debot you need in one of the following ways:

  • Tap on the Debot you need from Popular; 

  • Paste the copied Debot address into the Search field.

  1. Debot is running, now you can start a chat with it and select the action you need.

While using the Debot, you may need to restart the dialogue. To restart the Debot:

  1. On the Debot chat screen, tap the icon in the upper right corner to access the Debot information screen. 

  1. Tap Restart.